Travel, Yoga, Grow, Experience, Enjoy
Join like-hearted travelers to experience unique cultural adventures, yoga, mindful practice and reconnection to self.


Yoga & Meditation
Yoga offerings range from restorative and gentle practice to a more reflective moderate yoga instruction. Group and individual classes are focused on mindful practice incorporating breathwork, asana and guided relaxation utilizing sound, essential oils and mindful intention practices. The guided practices of seated meditation and yoga nidra created the wonderful space for calming the mind, resetting the systems of the body and creating a space of deep inner peace.

Energy Healing
Energy healing is a profound yet subtle way to shift energy and awareness. Through my own study, experience and practice, I have deepened my ability assist in the process of energetic release, intuitive guidance and creating space for change. To my delight, this process keeps growing stronger and more powerful for the recipient as time moves on. Please connect with me for energy work if you are ready to move forward in a meaningful and supported way.

Creative Coaching
Do you have a creative idea ready to emerge? It is with appreciation of the creative spark within all of us that I am now offering creative coaching sessions. Getting the creative idea from thought into action, developing the concept and finding the outlet are all huge hurdles to our creative manifestation. Understanding the challenges of the creative process, I am happy to offer my services as a coach for creative project manifestation using practical and inspirational techniques.

Tune up your elemental energy to let go of imbalance and move into joy!
Free Guide for Awakening Women
Tune Up Your Elemental Energy
In this Free Guide you will learn how to:
Connect to your Earth Element to feel more grounded and calm​
Dive into your Water Element and invite more receptivity
Ignite your Fire Element and grow more inspired and focused
Open your Air Element and expand your heart
Tap into your Space Element and enhance your intuitive senses